Friday, January 31, 2020

5A Identifying Local Opportunities

Opportunity 1: Increase awareness about the disease in trying to stop the spreading of it.
'UN agency declares global emergency over virus from China'

  • The disease that originally started spreading in China, is starting to spread to other regions on a smaller scale. There have been 170 deaths recorded from the virus so far and it's spread to countries like Germany, Japan, and Vietnam. The problem is that everyone needs to be aware of this virus in an effort to try and stop the spreading of the sickness. People who have this problem can be from all around the world since we don't know at what pace this virus is spreading at. 
Opportunity 2: Improve living conditions for state workers. 
'Florida Senate President Bill Galvano pledges ‘meaningful’ pay raise for state workers'
  • Senate President Bill Galvano wants to increase the pay of state workers all across the board. State workers have made significantly less than what they've made in the last decade. The problem is that some of these workers are over worked and underpaid. They are able to support their families but don't have much purchasing power outside of that. The people who have this problem would be the state workers of course. 
Opportunity 3: Raise awareness about the things not to do as a daycare employee and opportunity for other candidates. 
'Florida mom claims daycare staff wrote on her son’s tummy to remind her to bring more diapers'
  • A daycare employee with the Children’s Education Center of the Islands on Sanibel Island wrote 'Mom I'm out of diapers' on the stomach of a toddler. The mom was very angered by this so she immediately called the daycare center and expressed her frustration. The daycare employee who did this was then fired on the spot after director of CECI heard about it. The problem is that some families may not feel safe sending their young children to daycares while they're away at work since they don't really have a sense of whats happening with them. The people who have this problem are the ones who keep their children in daycares or anyone that's expecting a child soon. 
Opportunity 4: Chance at a more fair election representing what the people want and threat awareness. 
'Lessons learned from 2016, but US faces new election threats'
  • In the 2016 Presidential election, Russia obstructed with the votes in a big way. In the upcoming election, U.S intelligence chiefs want to ensure citizens that preventing interference from outside countries is their top priority. The problem is that sometimes the U.S. is seen as vulnerable by other nations which is why they are making a conscious effort to eliminate this vulnerability. This is a problem for the whole nation in a sense since all their information can be put at risk. 
Opportunity 5: Raise awareness about an endangered species to potentially prevent extinction.
Right whales spotted off Florida coast

  • North Atlantic right whales are highly endangered with only about 400 of them left. Human intervention is a large reason for this and that has discouraged the birth of these whales, hence resulting in endangerment. The problem is that people don't value ocean life as much as they should. This is a problem for marine sea biologists or just anybody who's a fan of this unique animal. I say unique because right whales can grow up to 52 feet long and weigh up to 70 tons. 


  1. I think it is interesting that you chose to pick Gainesville for this assignment. It makes sense since we live here and all and you would like to know what is happening in the city. The biggest one that stands out to me is the first one, the disease spreading from China. This is especially prevalent for the city of Gainesville because of UF, the international students, and the large amount of people living in such a small place. This is something that could really affect a lot of people if it is brought to Gainesville. That disease is definitely something I have been worried about since hearing about it on the television and reading it in various newspapers, not just in Gainesville.

  2. Hi Mohammed, thanks for sharing your post. I also chose this local newspaper to focus on opportunities. We differ in that I focused on Gainesville happenings, while you used major national and international events going on. I like that you hit on some Florida issues because that would be a good place to delve into the opportunity.

  3. Mohammed, your post is interesting, and I want to thank you for it. What catches me off guard is your article about state workers being paid more because they have been under paid but over worked in the last decade. This sticks out to me because my mother became unemployed by the state throughout the last decade due to these controversies. Overall, great post, it was very informative.
