Friday, January 24, 2020

2A Bug List

  • During rush hour, the Forest Hill and Military intersection is very backed up and busy.
    • This probably exists because there are several fast food restaurants and gas stations around that area, along with a middle school down the road.
  • Receiving spam emails and calls from random numbers (scam likely).
    • The people conducting these probably have a target number of people to reach out too. 
  • When the new paper straws get soggy in my drink which in turn ruins the drink.
    •  Paper straws are better for the environment than plastic straws. 
  • The shower head at my new apartment continues to let out water even after it's turned off. 
    • The shower head probably wasn't properly installed. 
  • Trying to avoid pot holes and bumpy roads in general but especially in Gainesville!
    • The city isn't aware of it or they don't care enough to fix it. 
  • Some websites have ridiculous password requirements which in turn leads me to eventually forget my password if it isn't saved on my computer. 
    • For security reasons and to make it tougher for someone else to log into your account. 
  • When the person next to you on a plane uses both of the arm rests. 
    • I'm not sure if they realize it or not but those arm rests are to be distributed evenly. 
  • When someone gets on an elevator before letting everybody exit. 
    • They want to ensure they have a spot on the elevator, just doesn't make much sense. 
  • Cyclists on the road who don't abide by the bike lane and all are over the street causing drivers to use extra caution. 
    • They want to feel like a vehicle. 
  • When a plug is covering the outlet next to it. 
    • Some plugs are built different in terms of shape and size. 
  • When people open things up unconventionally or the wrong way. Some items have special ways to be opened up which compliments its function. 
    • They don't have the patience to try and figure out how to correctly open it. 
  • When someone suddenly turns into your lane then proceeds to go below the speed limit. 
    • They are unaware of whats going on around them.
  • I don't like when the bottom of the tooth brush starts to become brown, makes the toothbrush seem old. 
    • This happens since the toothbrush is still wet once it's placed back.
  • People that take up more than one space when they park. 
    • Lack of awareness and parking skills. 
  • When people use the express checkout but have well over the maximum amount of items. 
    • They don't want to wait in the longer line.
  • The fact that CVS has super long receipts even when a single item is bought. 
    • They offer coupons on the receipt. 
  • When the 'lift and peel' cover on milk or juices doesn't work the way it's designed to. 
    • Maybe caused by the different temperatures of the substances. 
  • When people drive below the speed limit on the left lane of the highway. 
    • Unaware of their surroundings/laws. 
  • When the person behind you immediately honks when the light turns green. 
    • Person is very impatient and aware. 
  • When a person stops on a yellow light or when someone doesn't turn right on a red light after stopping, where it's permitted. 
    • Unaware of the laws, don't want to risk anything. 


I don't usually think about the things that bug me, I just go about my day so it was definitely a bit challenging to list 20 of them out. It can be difficult because sometimes there are super specific things that bother me which may not be prevalent to others. However, it wasn't that difficult to come up with them after envisioning a typical day in my mind. I walked myself through my day and just thought about the things that make me sigh or roll my eyes.


  1. Hello Mohammed,
    Your bug list is surprisingly very relatable to some of my bugs I have dealt with before. I appreciate the clear and concise formatting of your post because of your bulleted points and indentation. Your format makes it easy for me to read through each bug and the reasoning behind why each bug exist or occur. The most relatable bug is definitely the impatient people at stop lights. Although, I can't relate to the CVS long receipts situation because I go to Walgreens.

  2. Hey Mohammed, I quite enjoyed your blog post and how you analyzed the world around us to find things that bugged you.
    I especially related to your bugs about scam calls and paper straws, because those are two things that bug me quite a lot as well, and we should strive to find better solutions to such prominent problems. Great job on your blog post!
