Friday, March 13, 2020

16A Whats your Secret Sauce?

1. I come from a background where my parents didn't attend college so everything at UF so new to me. I enjoyed the challenge of constantly being pushed to learn and stay quick on my feet.
2. I had to mature at a younger age than those around me due to certain family situations.
3. I love sports and anything dealing with sports.
4. I love my family, each member is so unique is their own way.
5. My passion to be successful grows by the day.

Interview reflections:

Every person thought of what they would want in a product in a different way. Price and quality were definitely the top determinants however. Age, gender, and geographical location all play a part in these differences.


  1. I like how you set up the five reasons of what you think makes you unique and different, but you could have expanded on them a little more and explained then a little better. You also did not have any recordings or direct quotes from your interviews. Your reflection seems to be more focused on your product and not on yourself.

  2. Hey Mo, I liked how you listed out the qualities of what your secret sauce is in a very easy to digest form. The numerical list clearly separated the ideas, but did not match the format of the interview reflections. In your reflections, I'm not really sure how they related to the ideas, but you did have some great ideas to share.

  3. I am alittle confused by your post. I enjoy your reflection of yourself and how your personal experiences and look at life is unique to you and creates the view you have. That is important to stay original to yourself and allow for you to stick to your roots. However, I do not see a link to your interviews of the five people that were suppose to discuss their viewpoint of you. Also, your reflection is more based on the product, rather than you specifically.

  4. Hello, the things that you listed are unique to you in your opinion are concise yet effective. I am able to understand them and be able to see how they contribute to you being you. However, your reflections from other people is confusing because it does not seem like those things relate to you. It seems you were confused about what feedback you were supposed to be getting.
