Friday, March 27, 2020

20A Growing Your Social Capital

Domain Expert:

The person who has experience in this field is my uncle living in Canada. He owns a local delivery business in Canada that specialize in delivering all types pf goods. He started the business 20 years ago so it's been well-established at this point. This is family so nothing in return is really expected. Including this person will help me expand my product beyond borders and enhance my network.

Market Expert:

Somebody I would consider a market expert for this area is Dan Risick. He's conducted ample consumer research in my area since he recently opened up a restaurant in Gainesville. Dan has experience in typically the restaurant business so he's really good at predicting the type pf crowd he's going to see. I knew this person prior therefore, I just reached out to him. In terms of returning the favor, he didn't seem like he wanted anything in return but I'll give him a complimentary unit since he seemed very interested. This will enhance my networking because it'll expose me to different fields.

Supplier to Industry:

I reached out to my aunt who works in the supply chain in an industry related to this one. She's been working in supply chain for over 15 years now. She really gave me some useful information regarding where to incur the lowest costs in terms of manufacturing in a certain region. Being able to have her in my network enables me to really expand my supplying options.


This experience will help me ask the essential questions in terms of networking for a certain product. In the past, I've networked to look for jobs or internships so that's really the only way the two differ from one another. It's not really product focused, it's more about yourself.


  1. I really liked the list of people you interviewed for this assignment. I feel like they all really provide different feedback for your service and gives you good contacts to enter into the field. I also really like how you reached out to local people in Gainesville, as that is your targeted goal to reach. I feel like these connections will really help you in the long term with your business, as well as the experience of going out and talking to people you would not necessarily do.

  2. I think that all of the people in this assignment were really good and were able to provide you with valuable feedback. I also think that you provided some really good details within your responses. The only thing I would suggest is to match up the answers with each number within the three separate parts. This would make your post more organized.

  3. Mohammed, I feel like everyone that you interviewed each add a different and unique perspective for your service. It gives you a wide range of relationships and advice when you need it. They will definitely be a benefit to you in the long run. Your details within your responses were good and the post overall is very well organized. Good job.
