Friday, April 3, 2020

21A Reading Reflection No. 2

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, Scott Adams

1. In this book, Scott Adams discusses his many failures that he encountered throughout his career but that didn't stop him. The key was that he learned from all these failures little by little which eventually led him to get it right. 

2. This book connects with ENT 3003 because it's similar in the sense that the important part is learning from mistakes and improving your work based on feedback. It's about the progression since it's essential to take everything in. 

3. If I had to design an exercise for the class, I would ask them to tell me of a time where they learned a valuable lesson from a mistake that occurred. I wouldn't ask for too much info, I just want the theme or lesson that was taken into account. 

4. My biggest surprise was a bit of 2 things. First one, I didn't know he struggled that much but I see now that it all played a part. Also, he was very involved in the community with donating money to charity and providing funding for startups.  


  1. It sounds like you learned a lot from this book and that it took a different approach than normal ones do. It discussed the failure side of entrepreneurship, which is usually not talked about. This is ironic because starting a business usually has way more failures than successes, yet it is never really talked about. It sounds like you took a lot away from this book, which is good because then you can apply it to real life experiences, as well as your future business.

  2. It seems like that you really got something out of this book. I agree that the failures of businesses are not talked about often. However, without those failures we do not grow, and improvements are not made in order to avoid even more mistakes. You can now take everything you learned from this book and apply it to your situations in real life.
