Friday, February 28, 2020

14A Halfway Reflection

1) To keep up with this course, I try to work ahead instead of leaving all assignments to the last minutes. I make reminders as to when which assignments are due to ensure that I don't miss any. I also read the assignment instructions ahead of time in order to know how much time I need to delegate to it as some assignments take longer than others.

2) A moment where I felt like giving up was 2 weeks ago on Friday when he had assignments due. I had visitors from a different state so I was very busy that week, however, the thing that pulled me through was my determination to receive an A in this class. I know important it is to not miss assignments which is why I ultimately got them all done. An experience that contributed to this was back in high school when I used to play on the basketball team. There were several times where the physical demand on my body was a lot but I kept on working to improve the shape I was in.

3) Three tips I would offer are:

  1. View the assignments as something fun and innovative rather just something that needs to get done. 
  2. Start working on assignments ahead of time since we're all college students and we know how things can come up out of nowhere. 
  3. Have a planner if you don't already, it makes it a lot easier to keep track of when assignments are due since there are days where multiple assignments are due. 
This is a screenshot of a day where three assignments were due for this class all at the same time. Stay on top of it! 

1 comment:

  1. Your post was very well organized and very helpful. My favorite part about your post were the tips you shared. I have never thought about looking at the assignments as something fun before, but it sounds like a really good idea. Also getting ahead is also a really good idea, but is something that I personally struggle with because I'm a professional procrastinator and wait until the day of or the day before to do my assignments.
