Friday, February 7, 2020

6A Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Opportunity 1: Create an application that has live updates and information about any health threats in one's area.
The Economic Impact Of An Infectious Disease

With the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China and fellow Asian countries, there have been worries that it'll eventually spread to the states and rightfully so. There's been about a dozen reported cases in the United States but I'm positive that some people may still be unaware of the news. As we all know, this is news that can potentially impact one's life. I came across this article online, then started thinking that this is something that everyone should know about while also receiving regular updates. Aside from the economic impact, headlines as such strike fear into citizen's which influences their decisions. Having an application that one could always turn to has to serve as some peace in mind in a time of crisis. The prototypical customer would be anyone who values applications regarding their personal health and the health of their families. For the most part, I think it'll be relatively easy to carry this out if the right expertise is sought out. I saw this opportunity because I'm someone who wants the best for those around me and having this type of application will cause people to always have their health on their mind. 

Opportunity 2: Create an all-inclusive package for homeless people where they're able to buy goods at highly reduced prices. 
Law Enforcement Officials Argue Rural Homeless Services Worsen Problem

This article describes how law enforcement services that bringing in homeless people to neighborhoods around the city would eventually increase crime and make these neighborhoods less attractive to potential residents. I found this article online, then I immediately started thinking of ways to make homeless people feel more welcome. These homeless people come into neighborhoods knowing that they're going to stick out in some way; showing them initiatives are being taken to improve their lifestyle will go a long way. The prototypical customer in this situation would be homeless people. I believe the opportunity is relatively easy to exploit since there are many different grocery stores and many of them look to help people outside of their organization. I saw this opportunity because I often drive past streets with homeless people and just wonder where they sleep at night or what happens if it starts raining. These type of thoughts drove me to think of a way to help improve the lives of these homeless people.

Opportunity 3: Introduce a package plan that includes all public transportation for one price. 
Public Transit Hits a Speed Bump: Not Enough Drivers

It's been tough trying to find public bus drivers. Why? They feel as if they're underpaid with the addition of their work not being appreciated. I found this article online, then it brought me to realize that public transit in certain cities isn't as important as it is in other cities. The cities where public transit is primarily used, there are several other means of transportation such as train, taxi's, etc. Shaping public transit as a compliment to all these other means of transportation should reinvigorate its relevance. The prototypical customer in this situation would be anyone who relies on public transportation as their means of traveling. I would say this is something relatively easy to carryout since a majority of aspects are in place, negotiation and agreement are the key factors. Since I've come to college here at the University of Florida, I've been using the public transit as my main way to transport to school. Now for UF students, the bus fare is included in our tuition but for others that aren't enrolled at a university, their story is different. Having a package that would include all types of public transportation would generate more revenue making public transmit more relevant.

Opportunity 4: Implement a program where barbers get assigned schools to cut the hair of those students who are financially disadvantaged.
Palm Beach County schools to ban discrimination against hair styles

I came across this article scrolling through the West Palm Beach local news. Going through high school, I realized some students couldn't afford regularly getting a haircut which would sometimes result in embarrassment. In this scenario, the students in school would be the prototypical customers. The opportunity seems pretty easy to exploit, aside from that, safety concerns are something that needs to be addressed. I don't like seeing others being disadvantaged when something can be done about it. This is a potential way to help out students.       


  1. These were all very interesting, specifically the first opportunity is very interesting to me. One, it makes me laugh because it is an App, which Pryor is always against, yet I feel like it is a very good idea. Specifically, because it is hard to find out the news and health threats.I think less and less people watch/ read the news, so it would be hard to discover the health threats. Therefore, with the app, you can easily check on what health issues are going around, and can even supply the demographics based on where you are residing, or visiting, or whatever the case may be. That is a very interesting idea, and I really liked that!

  2. Hi, I think your first opportunity Is very interesting and can be beneficial. We all have friends that are interested in the medical field and are looking for chances to get involved and experience when it comes to reporting the health incidents and looking into them. Also, I like your idea for haircuts because there are a lot of college students that do not get that many haircuts because of the lack of funds. Good job.
