Friday, February 14, 2020

9A Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

After the process of conducting 5 more interviews, I recognized that my opportunity is something that definitely has the potential to be exploited. I realized that some people experience the problem but they weren't aware how it directly impacted them. People above the age of 40 or so are more likely to physically go to the store and purchase their needs. On the other hand, people between the ages 20-35 years-old would rather shop online as they believe it's more convenient and at times, more affordable since there might be flash sales or discounts on the website. Of those people who shop online, at least 70% have experienced an instance where their package was missing when prompted to deliver it to the door. I also interviewed a few college students who I assumed would have this unmet need as well, however, I didn't consider the fact that a lot of students live on campus in dorms so their packages are picked up through the front office. For the students living off campus, they also try to receive packages through their front office but thats determined by how large the package is. For college students, implementing a solution for safely receiving packages might not be the most ideal opportunity especially since most students live somewhere temporarily.

Who: Are there certain people or certain businesses that, although they share a lot in common with the others in your opportunity, nevertheless fall outside the boundary? Why?

  • College students are the ones who share a lot in common with the others corresponding to the opportunity since most of them would rather shop online as they find it more convenient and suitable for their busy college schedule. However, they would still fall outside of the boundary due to their choice of residence. As stated before, there are safer ways to receive packages through on campus housing in relation to a single home located somewhere in Gainesville. For students not living in apartments or on-campus housing, they're still able to be inside the boundary. 
What: At what point does the need you identified differ from another need? (Is thirst the same as hunger? Or is the desire to appear fashionable the same as the desire to be loved by others?)

  • I feel like this need is something that's pretty distinctive and specific which doesn't leave much room for misinterpretation. It's about a particular issue that occurs when people order things to their home for delivery. One factor that may cause the need to differ is the geographical location of the person's residence. 
Why: Is the underlying cause of the outsiders' need different than people who are inside the boundary?

  • The underlying cause of the outsiders is slightly different but that's largely due to where they currently reside. There may be more opportunity at a place where there isn't an established process for safely receiving packages. 
Boundary Table 

 Inside the boundary:  Frequent online shoppers ages 18-40 years-old
 Outside the boundary: People ages 45+, students living on campus 
 Who is in:  Frequent online shoppers, including students, graduates, full-time workers 
 Who is not:  People who don't prefer shopping online, students living on campus
 What the need is:  Safely receiving packages prompted to be delivered to someone's home
 What the need is not: People who already have an efficient way of receiving packages at their home 
 Why the need exists: Packages sometimes are reported missing, stolen, or 'delivered' but never really delivered
 Alternative explanations:  Either traditionally shopping in stores or physically waiting at home to receive package

1 comment:

  1. I think that this further interviewing process really helped you with targeting your true market. I feel like this is a really great idea and can definitely be exploited. Personally, I live in a large apartment complex in Gainesville and have many issues when it comes to getting my deliveries. Sometimes they are delivered to my front door, other the apartment complex front desk, and sometimes my mail box. I have lost various packages which makes it to be very, very annoying for me. I think something like this would be a very good idea, allowing for a centralized location, while cutting out the opportunity for stolen packages. I would really focus on apartment complexes or "tradition" neighborhoods for this idea because I feel like they would really be beneficial.
